English Page
General Information
The 2008 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting will take place from 7th to 10th September, 2008, at Keio University, Yagami Campus, Yokohama, JAPAN.
Key Dates
- 1. Application for oral presentation: May 12th - June 3rd, 2008
(Remark: You can apply only by using the Japanese application format.)
- 2. Abstract submission: June 16th - July 7th, 2008
- 3. Registration: July 17th - August 21st, 2008
Scientific Programs
Invited Sessions
1. Census and Registerstatistics
Organizer: Keiro HAMASUNA (Kyushu University)
Chair: Fumio FUNAOKA (Shinshu University)
Speakers and Titles:
- 1. Mikio SUGA (Tokyo International University), Kozo MIYAGAWA (Keio University)
"The Survey System of U.S. Economic Census"
- 2. Takiko FUJII (Keio University)
"Estimation on Residential Structure and GIS"
- 3. Hiromi MORI (Hosei University)
"On the Dutch Social Statistical Database"
- 4. Hiromi MORI (Hosei University), Minezou FUJITA (UNICO-International)
"MAF/TIGER system of U.S.A.Census Bureau"
- 5. Yoshihiro NISHIMURA (Ooita University)
"On the role of the located buildings register (RIL) in the new French population census"
- 6. Keiro HAMASUNA (Kyushu University)
"Address-Building Register for the 2011 German Register-Based Census"
- 7. Hideo ISHIHARA (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Statistics Bureau)
"Strategy for 2010 Population Census and the Use of Administrative Data and Its Issues"
2. Statistical Science and Marketing
Organizers: M. ABE (The University of Tokyo), N. TERUI (Tohoku University), T. SATO (University of Tsukuba)
Chair: H. WAGO (Kyoto Sangyo University)
Speakers and Titles:
- 1. T.KURODA (West Japan Railway Company), Fumiyo N. KONDO (University of Tsukuba)
"Customer Segmentaton in Purchasing Habit of Variety Seeking Based on a Normal-Mixture Multinomial Logit Model in a Hierarchical Bayesian Framework"
"Advertising and Price effect analysis with household's heterogeneity from ID-POS data"
- 3. S. KATSUMATA (The University of Tokyo)
"Modeling page view duration for web content management"
- 4. M. BAN (Mejiro University), Jane Chen (DENTSU INC), N. TERUI (Tohoku University)
"Estimating Heterogeneous Self and Cross Elasticity When the Number of Observations is Scarce"
- 5. Wirawan Dony Dahana (Osaka University), N. TERUI (Tohoku University)
"Individual Level Reference Price Estimation and CRM"
- 6. K. YAMAGUCHI (Rikkyo University), N. SAKURAI (Tokyo University of Information Sciences), M. WATANABE (Toyo University), H. FUKASAWA (Tokyo Healthcare University)
"A joint segmentation model for multivariate count data and its applications"
- 7. T. SATO (University of Tsukuba), T. HIGUCHI (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
"An Analysis of Purchase Incidence Behaviors using Dynamic Individual Model"
3. Issues on Secondary Use of Official Statistics in Japan
Organizers: Masaki KATSUURA (Meijo University), Hiroshi SAIGO (Waseda University)
Chair: Takeshi HIROMATSU (The University of Tokyo )
Speakers: Yasuto YOSHIZOE (Aoyama Gakuin University), Yoshio HIGUCHI (Keio University)
Discussants: Hiroshi MATSUI (National Statistics Center), Hiroshi ISHIDA (The University of Tokyo)
4. Current status and future prospects of statistics education through elementary and secondary to higher education -Towards the establishment of a systematic statistics education system based on the new national curriculum guidelines-
Organizers: Akimichi TAKEMURA (The University of Tokyo), Akinobu TAKEUCHI (Jissen Women's University)
Chair: Akimichi TAKEMURA (The University of Tokyo)
Speakers: Akimichi TAKEMURA (The University of Tokyo), Akinobu TAKEUCHI (Jissen Women's University) + Tsunenori ISHIOKA (National Center for University Entrance Examinations) + Michiko WATANABE (Toyo University) + Fumi HAYASHI (Toyo Eiwa University) + Akimichi TAKEMURA (The University of Tokyo), Suteo KIMURA (Naruto University of Education, Okinawa International University, Japan Society for Science Education), Kunihiro BABA (Keio Shonan-Fujisawa Junior & Senior High School)
5. Web-based Statistical Environment and Advanced Mining Technique
Organizers: Yoshiro YAMAMOTO (Tokai University), Hiroyuki MINAMI (Hokkaido University), Masaya IIZUKA (Okayama University)
Chairs: Yoshiro YAMAMOTO (Tokai University), Hiroyuki MINAMI (Hokkaido University)
Speakers: Junji NAKANO (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics), Takafumi KUBOTA (Okayama University), Yoshikazu YAMAMOTO (Tokushima Bunri University), Hiroshi YADOHISA (Doshisha University), Toshihiro KAMISHIMA (Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Shohei SHIMIZU (Osaka University)
6. Matrix Intensive Approaches in Behaviormetrics
Organizers: Kohei ADACHI (Osaka University), Haruo YANAI (St. Luke's College of Nursing)
Chair: Kohei ADACHI (Osaka University)
Speakers: Akinori OKADA (Tama University), Shin-Ichi MAYEKAWA (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Kohei ADACHI (Osaka University), Naohito CHINO (Aichi Gakuin University), Haruhiko OGASAWARA (Otaru University of Commerce), Haruo YANAI (St. Luke's College of Nursing)
7. Statistical analysis of count data for assessment of efficacy and safety of drugs
Organizer: Manabu IWASAKI (Seikei University)
Chair: Manabu IWASAKI (Seikei University)
Speakers: Manabu IWASAKI (Seikei University) + Takayuki ABE (Banyu Pharmaceuticals), Yuichi KAWATA (Chugai Pharmaceuticals), Kasumi DAIDOJI (Eizai Pharmaceuticals), Hideaki UEHARA (Tsumura) + Toshiro TANGO (National Institute of Public Health)
8. Development of Statistical Metaware
Organizers: Makio ISHIGURO (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics), Yoshiyasu TAMURA (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
Chair: Makio ISHIGURO (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
Speakers and Titles:
- 1. Tomoko MATSUI (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
"Speech Recognition Using Penalized Logistic Regression Machine - an Example of
Inductive Classifier Metaware-"
- 2. Kazuhiko Kawamoto and Norikazu Ikoma (Kyusyu Institute of Technology)
"State Estimation for a Group of Targets with Shared Factor"
- 3. Hajime Nobuhara (University of Tsukuba)
"A Visualization Metaware for Huge Information"
- 4. Hiroe Tsubaki (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
"A New Paradigm of Statistical Thinking and the Grammar of Technology Development
- 5. Makio Ishiguro, Junji Nakano and Yoshiyasu Tamura (The Institute of Statistical Mathematic)
"Statistical Metaware, Trial Pieces"
9. Coevolution of Statistical Science and Genome Science
Organizers: Seiya IMOTO (The University of Tokyo), Tomoyuki HIGUCHI (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
Chairs: Seiya IMOTO (The University of Tokyo), Tomoyuki HIGUCHI (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
Speakers: Seiya IMOTO (The University of Tokyo), Teppei SHIMAMURA (The University of Tokyo), Masaru USHIJIMA (Genome Center, Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research), Ichigaku TAKIGAWA (Kyoto University), Rui YAMAGUCHI (The University of Tokyo)
10. Lectures by recipients of Award for Encouragement of the Biometric Society of Japan
Organizer: Manabu IWASAKI (Seikei University)
Chair: Yutaka MATSUYAMA (The University of Tokyo)
Speakers: Winners
11. Lectures by the Winners of JSS Prizes
Organizer: Genshiro KITAGAWA (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics; Japan Statistical Society, President)
Chair: Katsuto TANAKA (Hitotsubashi University; Japan Statistical Society)
Speakers: Winners
12. Lectures by the Winners of JSAS Prizes
Organizers: Hirohisa KISHINO (The University of Tokyo), Ryuei NISHII (Kyushu University)
Chair: Ryuei NISHII (Kyushu University)
Speakers and Titles:
- 1. Yasumasa MATSUDA (Tohoku University) and Yoshihiro YAJIMA (The University of Tokyo)
"Fourier analysis of irregularly spaced data on R^d"
- 2. Mitsunori KAYANO (Kyoto University), Sadanori KONISHI (Kyushu University), Hideki
HIRAKAWA (Kyushu University), and Satoru KUHARA (Kyushu University)
"Functional principal component analysis via regularized basis expansion and its application"
- 3. Nagatomo NAKAMURA (Sapporo Gakuin University), Genta UENO (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics), Tomoyuki HIGUCHI (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics), and Sadanori KONISHI (Kyushu University)
"Missing region modeling and the multivariate normal mixture model"
Tutorial Sessions
Date: 13:00 - 17:30 September 7th (Sunday), 2008
Place: Yagami Campus, Keio University, Room 11-31
Title: Meta-Analysis: Methods and Practice
Speaker: Satoshi TERAMUKAI, Ph.D. (Associate Professor of Biostatistics, Division of Clinical Trial Design and Management, Kyoto University Hospital)
Organizer/Chair: Hideki Origasa, Ph.D. (Professor of Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology, School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama)
Title: Asymptotically distribution-free method utilizing up to 3rd order moments
Speaker: Hideki TOYODA, Norikazu IWAMA, Megumi TAKESHITA, Saori KUBO (Waseda University)
Organizer/Chair: Kohei ADACHI (Osaka University)
Public Lecture Meeting
Date: 13:30−17:00 September 7th (Sunday), 2008
Place & Room: Sousoukan, Yagami Campus, Keio Univeristy
Theme1: Statistics Education in Information Age
Theme2: Statistics Always Support Our Daily Life
- Speaker: Sigeru Kawasaki (Director-General, Statistics Bureau, Japan
Title: Statistics Reflecting Our Daily Life-Statistics as Common Knowledge Base for the Citizens-
Atsushi Nagao (Senior Specialist for Curriculum, School Curriculum Division in Elementary and Secondary Education Bureau, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
Title: The statistical literacy which is emphasized in the new Course of Study
Isao Yoshimura (Professor, Tokyo University of Science)
Title: Mathematical literacy as an essential knowledge in our daily life from statistical viewpoint
Exhibitions Booths:
- "Welcome to the World of Statistics"
(Statistics Bureau, Director-General for Policy Planning, StatisticsMinistry of Internal Affairs)
"An Experience of Random Sampling using BB bullets"
(The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
"Simulations with Dynamic Statistical Graphs in Multimedia Encyclopedia of Statistics"
(Japan Statistical Association)
"National Contest of Graphic Statistics"
(National Federation of Statistical Associations)
"GIS-Census System"
(Statistical Information Institute for Consulting and Analysis)
"An Introduction of International Project of CensusAtSchool: Staistics Education in Oversea"
(Statistical Education Section, Special Committee of Statistical Education of Japan Statistical Society)
Remark: The Public Lecture Meeting in 2008 is supported by the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 2052007).
Sorry, underconstruction